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As soon as I learned how to use the command line I fell in love with aliases and use them for all sorts of things.

Here are my favorite ones:

# to quickly clear the terminal
alias c="clear -x"

# to open the current directory in my favorite text editor
alias c.="cursor ."

# to open the current directory in my preferred git client
alias g.="gittower ."

# to quickly reload my terminal settings 
alias reload="source ~/.zshrc"

# to keep my code stuff always up to date
alias brewup="brew update && brew upgrade && brew cleanup && brew doctor && softwareupdate --list"

# I kept forgetting about the -rf flag so I just created this alias
alias rm="trash -rf"

# I run these command multiple times a day so I created shortcuts
alias yd="yarn develop"
alias ydd="yarn dev"
alias yb="yarn build"
alias ys="yarn start"