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We're using Pocketbase for the Bootstrap Logos project, and so far, it's been ok. I wish it had better docs, but the great UI makes up for some of its shortcomings.

One thing that was worrying me was the backups. We were just doing it on the same server, but that's NOT good security. So, I looked into moving them somewhere else and saw that Pocketbase offers this feature.

You can store your backups in any S3-compatible storage. Since we were using Cloudflare for other stuff, we decided to try to make it work with R2.

After some trial and error, we figured out how to fill out the fields, here's how it works:

  • Bucket: name of the bucket in R2, in my case, it was backups
  • Region: set it to auto
  • Endpoint: Cloudflare gives you this; it's usually in this format https://[CLOUDFLARE_ID].r2.cloudflarestorage.com
  • Access key: Cloudflare gives you this once you create your R2 token
  • Secret: Cloudflare gives you this once you create your R2 token

For the Endpoint, Access key, and Secret, you need to create an R2 API token in Cloudflare, here's how to do it in late 2024

That's it. Now, all our backups are done daily and sent to our bucket in R2.